Svečana dodela nagrada Gala Night se održala u petak 09.juna 2017. godine u Vili Olmo na jezeru Como, nedaleko od Milana. Reader Collection je osvojila srebrnu A’Design Award nagradu za dizajn u kategoriji Osvetljenje 15. aprila 2017. godine. A’Design Award nagrade za dizajn predstavljaju najprestižnije nagrade u oblasti dizajna u svetu, koje se svake godine dodeljuju u Italiji. Nagrada za dizajn predstavlja priznanje za izuzetan dizajn na medjunarodnoj sceni.Vila Olmo u kojoj se održala svečana dodela nagrada, predstavlja velelepnu gradjevinu koja je odraz neoklasične arhitekture. Izgradnja vile je počela krajem 18. veka i završena je 1812. godine. Od 1925. godine ovo mesto je namenjeno za kulturne manifestacije i izložbe. Vila ima prostran vrt sa mnogo dodatnih zgrada.U izložbenom prostoru Ex-Chiesa di San Francesco, je postavljena izložba nagradjenih radova medju kojima je Reader Collection. Izložba je u organizaciji MOOD – Museum of Outstanding Design i trajaće do 26. juna 2017. godine.
Gala Night was held on Friday 09. June 2017. in Villa Olmo at lake Como near Milan. Reader Collection lamps have been awarded Silver A’ Design Award in Lighting Products and Lighting Projects Design Category on 15. April 2017.
The A’ Design Awards are the World’s most influential and largest design awards, presented each year in Italy. The A’ Design Award gives recognition to the excellence of design on the international stage.
Vila Olmo is the example of neoclassical architecture. The construction started at the end of 18th century and was finished in 1812. From 1925 this place is intended for cultural events and art exhibitions. Vila Olmo has a huge park and many buildings.
The exhibition is held at Ex-Chiesa di San Francesco and exhibits all winning projects together with Reader Collection. The exhibition is organised by MOOD – The Museum of Outstanding Design and it will last until 26. June 2017.