penthouse / brussels

Ovaj veliki stan okružen prozorima i terasom, obasjan prirodnom svetlošću, nalazi se u glavnom gradu Belgije, Briselu. Ukupna površina je 240 kvadrata.
Plan stana je funkcionalno osmišljen. Stan je namenjen četvoročlanoj porodici kolekcionara starih satova. Poseban akcenat je na centralnom delu gde je plafon spušten. U njega je ugradjeno osvetljenje i obojen je jarko narandžastom bojom što stvara posebnu atmosferu.
Ispod plafona se nalaze: garderober, kuhinja, glavna spavaća soba sa dodatnim garderoberom i kupatilom. Za razliku od centralnog dela koji ima kružno kretanje, druga polovina stana ima linearnu putanju. U njemu dominira dugačak zid koji je postavljen kao funkcionalno i vizuelno težište prostora uz koji je smeštena kolekcija starih satova. Iza zida se nalaze dve prostrane dečije sobe sa kupatilom.
Lokacija: Brisel / Belgija
This 240m2 apartment surrounded by windows and a balcony, illuminated by natural light, is situated in the capital city of Belgium, Brussels.
It is functionally designed for a family of four who collect antique clocks. Special emphasis is placed on the central part where there is a suspended ceiling. It incorporates lighting and is coloured bright orange which creates a special atmosphere.
Beneath the ceiling is a wardrobe, kitchen, master bedroom with walk-in closet and an extra bathroom. Unlike the central part which has a circular movement, the other half of the apartment has a linear design. It is dominated by a long wall that was set up as a functional and visual center of gravity to the space that houses a collection of antique clocks. Behind the wall are two spacious children’s rooms with a bathroom.
Location: Brussels / Belgium